Nov 27, 2009


Yesterday was Thanksgiving here as well.  As you can imagine the Army does celebrate it.  We alas did not really do too much it honor of the holiday.  I was out of work by 6 PM, which is 1-4 hours earlier than normal.  We noticed throughout the day that other Army units we needed to coordinate with were not picking up the phone or answering emails, leading us to believe that many units were celebrating Thanksgiving more than we were. 
I did get to participate in an Army Thanksgiving tradition where the officers (including yours truly) served food to the enlisted soldiers.  So I served corn, green beans, and turnip greens (whatever those are) for about 45 minutes. Typically enlisted soldiers serve the food, though the past few years the trend is to hire civilians to serve the food.  Most of the food service here is done by TCNs (Third Country Nationals); these are non-Americans, non-locals. So we relieved them of their serving duties for lunch.  It was much less stressful than my regular job.   

1 comment:

  1. so if they are not with the army, and not locals, where are they from? and where do they sleep?
