Nov 9, 2009

Jewish Chaplain

Here is an article about the Jewish chaplain currently on JBB. I met him recently at "movie night", an event he held where about half a dozen soldiers and airmen attended.  In case you are interested we saw "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas".  It was nice. 


  1. I'm so happy you have this community there on base - I was afraid that you'd be all alone with the tuna and crackers meals. But it seems like this Bram gets it! Btw..try to get "a serious man" if you can, (though I haven't seen it yet) - it's a new "jewishy comedy" by the Coen brothers.

  2. Really? They had to show you a holocaust movie? I think they might have a better shot attracting folks with a more upbeat film...

