Nov 9, 2013

Dog Tags

Alan Jay Gerber has a little discussion in The Long Island Jewish Star of Jews, dog tags and safety. Make sure you catch the last paragraph on the second page.

Oct 16, 2013

New book out

Derek J. Penslar has a book out with Princeton U Press: Jews in the Military. If anyone reads it, let me know how it is. If I get a copy, I'll try to review it here. 

Aug 11, 2013

Kiruv organization allegedly fires attorney for being in National Guard

Apparently Steven Schwartz was terminated from his job working from various kiruv organizations as an attorney because of his required military service in the National Guard. Story here. (h/t VIN)  

Apr 29, 2013


There is a new (perhaps) controversial book out by the IDF on the halachot of mezuzot. The book is available here. The book reminded me of the one on my CHU in Iraq. I am not sure why I took this picture, and I know it is way out of focus, but you should be able to see it there. (It is on the inside, for what I hope are obvious reasons.)

Feb 26, 2013

A Civil War Seder

The tale of a Passover seder during the civil war. Details here