Sep 20, 2010

Sep 17, 2010

. . . and prisoners

I really appreciate all the work they did for me and many other Jewish soldiers when I was deployed. Apparently they work with prisoners too.

Sep 15, 2010

Torahs for the military

The Army is looking for Torahs. I know that there is one in JBB and the Jewish Chaplain in Baghdad had one. I wonder how many others there are in theater.

Sep 1, 2010


As many of you know by now, I am back home in NY. The deployment is over. I will still continue to post stuff here that I and I think some of you who read this might find interesting, and some stuff that I didn't post during the year for one reason or another.

Thanks for all your support over the year.

Iraqi Torah

Iraq seems pretty concerned about its torah.  I am glad that there are already ministries up and running with time to do things like that