Oct 24, 2009


Last night there was a brief thunderstorm - lots of lightning too.  I got caught in the storm on my way back from the shower.  It broke up the monotony.  I guess the season has begun.  It was a nice day today though. 

Oct 18, 2009

T'filah for the Safety of American Soldiers - by the OU

This was forwarded to me by my dad a few weeks ago. Though I am generally pretty safe here, many of us are still not. It is good to know that those still in harm's way are being thought about in shuls around the world.

Oct 9, 2009

Groundhog Day: SITREP

Pretty soon I will start to describe some of the details of life
around here. There is not much about myself that I have to report as
my life, so far, does not change much from day to day, We have an
expression here to describe this: Groundhog Day. It is the phenomena
where each day resembles the last and after a while they all seem to
look the same. I am sure that I will find something to do that will
break up the monotony. But for now, please pardon the infrequent
posts. As I get more proficient in my job and I understand it better
there will be less to learn and more time to do other things and I
will keep shorter hours. .

Until now I will give you what we call in army parlance a SITREP
(situation report): All is well. No change from yesterday.

Oct 4, 2009

Jumping in head first

Since I have been here it has been pretty much non-stop work.  Lots of on the job training.  I stay on the FOB for the most part and work out of an office.  We put in 12 hour days, and don't get enough sleep.  But all in all it is not bad.  We are doing stuff that is pretty high-profile and seems to be important.  Most of my unit is training for their jobs, but the job I was given is pretty different from theirs so I just jumped right in.  There is always a lot to do and some pretty demanding people who want everything done now and done right. 
Everything here reminds one of a rather typical army base.  Lots of people walking around and doing their jobs.  Everyone wearing army clothing, etc.  There are concrete walls around everything, the living conditions are comfortable, but spartan. The bathrooms and showers are clean.  There is lots of food, and it is not bad. Let me know what you want to know about. 
I would be able to write with more frequency in the future now that my computer stuff is set up in my office.